Classes scheduled at the Willmar Community Center. To register, call 320-262-5288 or visit .
Crafts with Cardinals: Feb. 1, 12:45 to 1:45 p.m., $1; make art, bracelets, greeting cards and knitting with Willmar High School students.
Community crafts: Feb. 9, 2:30 p.m., $8, all ages, pre-registration required; make a wooden heart.
Little Art Gallery Session: Feb. 10, 2 to 4 p.m., free. Create one art piece to be on display in our community art galleries with the themes of green, St. Patrick’s Day, growth and spring.
Willmar Community Education has several art-related classes scheduled. Pre-registration is required for all the classes on the website. Cooking classes are in the Food and Drink calendar in the Thursday paper. Youth only classes available on community ed website. Below are youth and adult classes.
Rock painting: Have you found any painted rocks outside around Willmar? Learn how to create your own! Paints, brushes and rocks will be provided for each class. The classes are from 10:30 a.m. to noon Saturdays at Jefferson Learning Center, ages 5 and up; those ages 5-11 will need to sign up with a responsible adult; $6; instructor Sarah Miller. There are three remaining classes this winter: birds theme on Feb. 25, flowers theme on March 25 and sunshine theme on April 29.
Intro to paper quilling: Feb. 4, 10:30 a.m. to noon, Jefferson Learning Center, ages 12 and up, instructor Sarah Miller, $21; learn the art of quilling by rolling and folding strips of paper in the 10 common quilling shapes. Class fee includes all supplies including the quilling tool, glue and paper to take home.
Stained glass for beginners: Feb. 28, 7 to 9 p.m. and March 18 and 25, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Willmar Senior High School, ages 15 and up; instructor Tom Nelson; $115 fee plus $50 to $100 for supplies; learn all the steps from cutting and soldering, make one copper foil project during class. Lead assembly techniques will be demonstrated.
Painting Barn Quilts: March 14, 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., Willmar Middle School, ages 12 and up, those under 18 should enroll with a responsible adult; instructor Cynthia Buchholz; $50 plus $60 materials fee payable to the instructor at the beginning of class; guided instruction which takes you through the barn quilt process and by the end of class, you will have your own masterpiece to take home and display.
Glass on glass mosaic project: March 30, 4 to 7 p.m., Willmar Senior High School, ages 10 and up, those under 13 must sign up with a responsible adult; instructor Laura Ruprecht; $79; learn mosaic basics by making one inside a 5-by-7-inch shadow box frame.
Milan Village Arts classes have been scheduled with the complete schedule on the website. Members receive a discount on tuition. Supply fees are paid to the instructor at the end of class. To register or for more information on any of these workshops call 320-734-4807 or visit the website at; email: The art school has several studios. Check the website for studio dates and more information. Casses listed by registration deadline are:
The Spoon Gathering: June 1-3, all day and into the evening, $20 to $45 depending on days and number in group; family friendly event for those interested in wood spoon carving and traditional handcrafts.
Wood bowl turning: March 4-5, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; instructor Steve Mullins; beginner and above, minimum age 16; learn the basic skills needed to turn a wooden bowl on a lathe from “green” unseasoned wood; tuition $260, supplies $45; registration deadline Feb. 11. Class will be offered again Oct. 21-22.
Scandinavian flat plane carving: March 18-19, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; instructor Bill Jaeger; beginner and above, minimum age 16; highlight the historical and unique aspects of traditional Scandinavian style figure carving. Students will practice the particular knife strokes and techniques using their own tools; tuition $150; registration deadline Feb. 18.
Acanthus carving: March 20-24, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; instructor Jock Holmen; beginner and above, minimum age 15; learn to carve elegant, ornate leaf designs in wood; tuition $325, plus supplies; registration deadline Feb. 25.
Weaving rugs: March 31-April 2, Friday evening through Sunday; instructor Diana Soehren, minimum age 16; learn the basics of preparing fabrics, choosing a design, warping and beginning to weave on Friday; continue to work on their projects Saturday and Sunday; members who have taken this workshop have access to the Loom Room to work on their own projects; tuition $90, supplies $10 or more; registration deadline March 11. Class will be offered again Nov. 3-5.
Open carving night: carvers of all persuasions are invited to meet from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the school to carve and network. Free.
Silver Studio: open to all those that have taken beginning silversmithing and are MVAS members. Fee is $10 for evening and $20 for all day.
Weaving Studio: open to those with experience with looms or have taken the weaving rugs class and are MVAS members; by appointment or join a weaving group, no fee; looms are maintained with warp at no cost.
Framing Studio: a fully-functional framing workshop open to those who have taken the framing workshop and are MVAS members; $5 hour, $10 for half day, $20 full day; by appointment only.