Suction pressure, head pressure, subcooling, superheat, Delta T.
Taking all five of these calculations into account on every service call is critical. Even if further diagnostic tests must be done to pinpoint the problem, these five factors are the groundwork before more effective diagnosis can be done. I would also add static pressure as an important reading that should be checked regularly (Keep TESP between .3″wc and .7″ wc on most systems) but I would still place it slightly below these five as far as fundamental HVAC technician measurements.
Some of these are “rules of thumb” and obviously are for reference only. Refer to manufacturer recommendations when setting a charge.
Suction pressure tells us several things. The first thing it tells us is what the boiling temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator is. If the suction pressure is below 32° F saturation temperature, the evaporator coil will eventually freeze.
As a general rule, the higher the temperature of the air passing over the evaporator, the higher your suction pressure will be. A good rule of thumb for suction pressure is 35° saturation below indoor ambient +/- 5° (return temperature measured at the evaporator coil). This temperature differential is often called an evaporator split or design temperature difference (DTD). When calculating DTD a “higher” DTD means lower suction pressure in comparison to the return temperature, and a lower DTD means higher suction pressure.
This means that when the temperature of the air passing over the evaporator is 80°, the low side saturation temperature should be 45° when the system is set for 400 CFM per ton output. Remember the temperature scale next to the pressure scale on the gauge represents saturation or if you don’t have the correct sale on (or in your gauge if you have a digital manifold) you would need to use a pressure temperature (PT) chart.
This 35° rule only works at 400 CFM per ton, but when a system is designed for 350 CFM per ton, the DTD will be closer to 38° – 40° +/- 5°
Make sure you know the actual CFM output of the system before you calculate DTD. It can vary significantly based on the setup of the particular blower. Also, keep in mind that oversized evaporator coils that some manufacturers specify for efficiency can also result in slightly lower DTD (higher suction). If you don’t know all the details, it is my experience that using 35° is the best bet.
When used in conjunction with liquid line temperature, we can know the state of the refrigerant the liquid line, and that the compressor is pumping/operating in the required compression ratio. We can also know whether the state of the metering device is “backing up” against the metering device. A good rule of thumb for head pressure is a 15° – 20° saturation above outdoor ambient +/- 3° for most modern systems. These saturation / ambient calculations are only indicators; they are not set in stone. Keep in mind, when I say ambient, I am talking about the air entering the evaporator for suction pressure and the condenser for head pressure.
Jim Bergmann points out that different equipment efficiencies will have different target condensing temperature over ambient (CTOA) readings. Keep in mind that these date ranges don’t guarantee the SEER but rather give the date ranges that these efficiencies will be most likely. The larger the condenser coil in relation to the volume of refrigerant being moved, the lower the CTOA will be.
6 – 10 SEER Equipment (Older than 1991) = 30° CTOA
Superheat is important for two reasons. It tells us whether or not we could be damaging the compressor and whether we are fully feeding the evaporator with boiling, flashing refrigerant. If the system has a 0° superheat, a mixture of liquid and vapor is entering the compressor. This is called liquid slugging and it can damage a compressor. A superheat that is higher than the manufacturer’s specification can both starve the evaporator, causing capacity loss, as well as cause the compressor to overheat. So how do we know what superheat we should have? First, we must find out what type of metering device the system is using. If it is using a piston or other fixed metering device, you must refer to the manufacturers’ superheat requirements or a superheat chart like the one below.
If it is a TXV type metering device, the TXV will generally attempt to maintain between a 5° to 15° superheat on the suction line exiting the evaporator coil (10° +/- 5°).
TXV target superheat setting may vary slightly based on equipment type.
Subcooling tells us whether or not the liquid line is full of liquid. A 0° subcool reading tells us that the refrigerant in the liquid line is part liquid and part vapor. An abnormally high subcool reading tells us that the refrigerant is moving through the condenser too slowly, causing it to give up a large amount of sensible heat past saturation temperature. A high subcool is often accompanied by high head pressure and, conversely, a low subcool by low head pressure. Subcool is always a very important calculation to take because it lets you know whether or not the metering device is receiving a full line of liquid. Typical ranges for subcooling are between 8 and 14° on a TXV system, but always check the manufacturer’s information to confirm. In general, on a TXV system using 10° +/- 3° at the condenser outlet is an acceptable “rule of thumb” in the absence of manufacturer’s data.
On a fixed orifice/piston system, the subcooling will vary even more based on load conditions and you will see a range of 5° to 23° making subcooling less valuable on a fixed orifice system. In my experience, during normal operating conditions the subcooling on a fixed orifice system will still usually be in the 10° +/- 3° range.
The evaporator air temperature split (Delta T) is a nice calculation because it gives you a good look at system performance and airflow. The air temperature split during typical conditions will be between 16 and 22° difference from the return to the supply. Keep in mind, when you are doing a new system start-up, high humidity will cause your air temperature split to be on the low side. Refer to air temperature split and comfort considerations sheets for further information.
For systems that are set to 400 CFM per ton, you can use a target Delta T sheet.
If the leaving temperature/delta T split is high, it is an indication of low airflow. If it is low, it is an indication of poor system performance/capacity.
Again, this only applies to 400 CFM ton. Systems set at 350 CFM per ton or less are more common today than ever, especially in humid climates, and in those cases the delta T will be higher.
The way this list must be utilized is by taking all five calculations and matching up the potential problems until you find the most likely ones. A very critical thing to remember is that a TXV system will maintain a constant superheat, and fairly constant suction pressure. The exceptions to this rule are when the TXV fails, is not receiving a full line of liquid, or does not have the required liquid pressure/pressure drop to operate. This situation would show 0° subcooling and in this case, will no longer be able to maintain the correct superheat. Before using this list, you must also know what type of metering device is being utilized, then adjust thinking accordingly. Also remember, in heat mode, the condenser is inside and the evaporator is outside.
This is an incomplete list designed to help you. Always keep your eyes and ears open for other possibilities. Diagnosis is an art as well as a science.
The MeasureQuick app is a great free app that can help you in making a complete diagnosis using these 5 pillars and more.
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Bryan Orr is the vice president at Kalos Services Inc. and founder of the HVAC School.
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